React + Redux

Posted by Carl Palumbo on September 21, 2020

So for my final project, I decided to do something kind of familar to me. I designed a baby version of the website I currently work for. I mainly focused on the CRUD functions and async with redux to delete and update products as necessary.

The application itself wasnt very difficult to design, however additonal features outside of the product scope could be added. I didn’t focus too much on user auth, althoough there is the functionalitiy added into the Rails Api to authenticate a user and display content that is user specefic. The application itself will seemlessly create and delete products.

The main section which I had some difficulties was just getting the redux to display loading when waiting on the api import of products. I would say that this application could be expanded upon. I could see myself adding addtional features here and there just for the experience.

I feel I have learned a lot simply by setting up this app, this has been a great adventure with the flatiron school and Im proud of the progress I have made in this course. It’s definetly been a help in my current position and im excited to go to graduation from here.

The app itself is disgusied as a marketplace simialr to amazon’s UI. I completed the necessary project requriements, but I think ill be experimenting with the add to cart functionality in the next few days. Overall, I would say this has been a great experience in programming and I look forward to what ever comes next.